Dr. Pushkar Kopparla


I am a remote sensing and atmospheric scientist, currently working for Solafune Inc. as lead researcher.

Previously, I was a planetary scientist interested in planetary atmospheres and climates. I was CSH fellow at the Center for Space and Habitability at the University of Bern where I worked on understanding climate variability on exoplanets. Before that, I was working on understanding climate variability on Venus using remote sensing data from the Venus Climate Orbiter mission, Akatsuki at the University of Tokyo.

Here is a short CV

Work Samples

Notebook An implementation of the image processing procedure to convert satellite observations of Venus by the JAXA mission Akatsuki into gridded datasets.

Repo A Dockerized Python pipeline that creates a scaled, color corrected JPEG preview for RGB bands from a given Landsat scene. Also has notes on creating and testing AWS Lambda functions from custom Docker images.

Video A talk on understanding long period variability in Venus clouds. Given at the Venus Science Conference by PRL on 23 Sep 2021.

Map A map of the historical Chalukya kingdom, made with QGIS using OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia data. The map is the fourth figure in the linked article.

Last update 22 Aug 2023.

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